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 UCM Ministry Team Members: Student Parking

Student parking permits are now available for student ministry team members of the UCM!  

We are blessed to have a parking lot to support our mission and ministry at Texas State. The purpose of the UCM parking lot is to support students in active ministry at the UCM. We encourage students to use the spaces during UCM events if they otherwise would be unable to attend!

A few notes:

A permit gives permission to park in the lot, but does not guarantee a space. Sometimes the lot may be full. Please don’t park in reserved spaces. Please park so that other cars can get into the spaces next to you.  As we grow in ministry, please expect to have share the lot with other member students!

A UCM student permit is not meant to replace regular parking for school, on-campus employment, or other activities. If you need parking more than 10 hours a week, please consider using a reserved space or a Texas State parking permit for additional time. Texas State shuttles are also a convenient options to the UCM.

A student permit is valid while a student is an active student minsitry team member of the UCM. We do not sell student permits, but you could consider a reserved permit if you want to purchase UCM parking.

If you would like a student parking permit and are a UCM student ministry team member, please complete the student parking permit agreement.

You can return the parking permit agreement to Pastor Todd during worship, study, office hours, or a scanned copy via email to and then receive a student permit. Please let Todd know if you have any questions!