Small Group: Patterns + Practices

This is a simple pattern for our small group gatherings at UCM Texas State to help encourage each other, build friendships, and deepen in our faith.

Prepare for Group

Send a reminder to people about the group meeting. Talk with Hannah or Todd about getting a text message sent. You can also post in the UCM GroupMe or a specific GroupMe if you have one set up. Remind people when and where you are meeting! Get the materials you need for group. It’s a good idea to prepare BEFORE the group since you may run late or need help to get things ready.

  • Name Tags

  • Program Guides

  • Snacks - Here are some ideas

Opening Prayer

Once everyone arrives, begin each group gathering with a deep breathe and a prayer. Sample prayer includes:

“Lord, we’re here. Would you bless our time together and the conversation we’re about to have? Would you make the ordinary actions of catching up and having fun provide a space for Your presence to be made known? Build us into Your church - not a building but a people who share in life together. Help us be present to each other and to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen”

01 - Have Fun / Get the Conversation Going (~15 mins)

Break the ice. Catch up. Take 15 minutes to answer an ice breaker question. Laugh and hear from everyone. The moment might not be profound but it will help everyone feel welcome. Share your favorite boy band, Netflix show, or embarrassing moment. Get creative.

Take attendance so we know who showed up and who is missing!

02 - Set the Ground Rules for the Conversation

It can be helpful to share expectations for small group time. It provides a brave space for people to share while also offers accountability to make sure the group host makes sure the rules are followed: (Sample Guidelines)

  • This is a casual small-group conversation group people discussing and exploring ideas in a supportive and respectful environment. 

  • We ask people to contribute to the discussion, not control the discussion, and keep in mind that there are many perspectives and ideas to explore.    

  • If someone says something you don’t agree with, resist the urge to argue. Instead, take this as a learning opportunity to understand their point of view. What Scripture are they using? What is the reasoning behind their statement? What personal experience informs their view? We don’t need to agree (and they may be wrong) but we benefit from learning from each other.

  • Listening is as valuable as talking.  

  • What is said here is confidential. This is not a place for gossip or sharing people’s secret. The specifics of what is said in the group stays in the group, while our overall learning from the group goes out into the world.

  • This group is open to all and requires no outside study.   

  • What other guidelines does your group need to have a constructive conversation?

03 - Small Group Reflection (~30 Mins)

Groups can have different reflection formats:

Small Group Guide

Some groups focus on a specific discussion/theme using discussion guides. These can come from books, be based on recent sermons, or be written by ministry team leaders or Pastor Todd. Guide people through the conversation guide. If there is a lot of energy around a specific topic, feel free to linger. If people seem particularly quiet, feel free to move on. Also feel free to ask question and engage conversation NOT on the list!

Share and Prayer

Invite each person to take 3 minutes share two things: first -what they are most grateful for the past week, and second - what they are most anxious about (prayer request) in the week ahead. Have one person record your group’s prayer requests so you can pray for one another through the week. Be sure to allow everyone time to share.


Your group may have a specific event or program such as a craft night, prayer walk, going to an on-campus event, etc. Enjoy the event and maybe even incorporate time to check in with each other (share and prayer) during the time.

04 - Close

Intentionally close your time together with a prayer. While people are welcome to hang out longer, its important to let people know its ok to leave!

“Jesus, you took on flesh and lived life among us. You were there then and you are here now. Help us to see and celebrate what you are doing in each other’s lives. Help us to remember we are your church - your body. May we love You, and love others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Thanks to our friends at UTA Wesley for the basic format and design of this process!