A united college ministry for ALL Texas State students.

United Campus Ministry (UCM) at Texas State is a multi-denominational college ministry.
We are an inclusive church helping students explore faith, supporting spiritual growth, and actively helping our community.

The United Campus Ministry (UCM) at Texas State University helps young adult college students discover God’s purpose in their lives, form diverse Christian friendships, and grow spiritually in the love of Jesus Christ. UCM offers weekly worship, small groups, free lunch, volunteering, retreats, pastoral counseling, and more to create a beloved community where all belong.

Over the past decade, Texas State University has experienced exponential growth and now enrolls more than 38,000 students. The student body is diverse, with majority of students from ethnic/racial minority backgrounds. More than 7,500 new students start every year, and 47% of the undergraduates are first-generation college students.

UCM is a needed resource for these students. The UCM is located right next to campus, offers a home away from home that encourages students, is a fully inclusive ministry, and is one of the only college ministries at Texas State that fully supports women in church leadership. Last year, UCM connected with more than 400 students. UCM is dedicated to sharing to love of Jesus Christ at Texas State!

Help college students experience the love of Jesus. Donate online at www.UCMtxstate.org/give or mail a check to
United Campus Ministry at Texas State
510 North Guadalupe Street San Marcos, Texas 78666

UCM Slide

Denominational Partners Slides

The UCM is a proud member of the Wesley college ministry network connected to The United Methodist Church in the tradition of “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

The UCM is a proud member of the UKirk college ministry network connected to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in the tradition of “reformed and always reforming.” We are a united college ministry for all Texas State students!

The UCM is a proud member of the LuMin college ministry network of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in the tradition of “shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace.”

The UCM is a proud member of the Disciples college ministry network connected to The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the tradition of “a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.”

The UCM is a proud member of the UCC college ministry network connected to The United Church of Christ in the tradition that “God is still speaking.”

The UCM is a multi-denominational college ministry that shares the love of Jesus Christ with all students. Donate online at UCMtxstate.org/give