Event Sponsor
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Church Partner Sponsors
San Marcos First Christian Church
Gruene United Methodist Church
First Presbyterian Church of San Marcos
Sue Diegelman - First Christian Church SM

Small Group Sponsor
Upper Room Sunday School, First UMC San Marcos
Hurt Real Estate

Individual Sponsors
Aart and Melissa Millecam
Chase and Teri Stapp
John and Marla Johnson
Paul and Barbara Leming


UCM Jazz Night features our student musicians playing an evening of music while we raise ministry funds to support our student leadership. Our goal is to raise $5,000.

Interested in being a sponsor to show you support for college ministry?

  • Church Partner Sponsor: $500 with 20 reserved tickets

  • Small Group Sponsor: $250 with 10 reserved tickets

  • Individual Sponsor: $200 with 8 reserved tickets


You can make a direct donation at http://jazz.ucmtxstate.org. Click on the DONATE link!

You can also contact Pastor Todd (todd@ucmtxstate.org) for more details.

Our students will be playing music, with a chance to get people to visit the ministry, meet our students, and get reconnected with fellow supporters.