Care. Community. Christ.

Online. Outdoor. Small Groups in-person.

The UCM Building is open for study and ministry events.
Masks are welcome inside the UCM Building.

The United Campus Ministry understands the importance of spiritual, mental, and physical health as we work to developing ways for gather in community and grow in Christ. The UCM is committed to following local health guidelines and advice from public health officials including the required washing of hands, wearing of masks, social distancing, etc. The UCM is working on safe ministry approaches that blend of online ministry, outdoor events, and small socially distanced in-person groups.

Flexibility and following health guidelines will be key in Spring 2023

What to expect:

  • A health questionnaire and temperature check may be required before each event. Our goal is to keep you and the group healthy!

  • Attendance for events will be limited to ensure a safe group size. Registration will be encouraged and attendance will be recorded to help with any contact tracing as needed.

  • Social distance of 6 feet will be setup for worship and building spaces.

  • Masks will be welcome required for all events. We strongly recommend vaccinations and wearing masks until you are fully vaccinated. Once you are vaccinated, masks are optional based on public health advice.

  • The UCM Building will have limited hours this semester. We plan to offer our free coffeehouse, study space, and Wednesday Lunch on a limited basis. Everyone entering the building will need to check-in so we understand building usage.

  • We are here to help you! If you need a mask, need to find a doctor/test, or have specific questions - you can ask us. As the church, we are here to provide a ministry of health and wellness.

  • As the situation changes, expect the UCM to adapt and provide updated guidelines for your health and safety. This includes adjusting ongoing events, moving from indoor to outside or online, and other adjustments as needed.

“Love the Lord your God, and your neighbor as yourself”
Mark 12:30-31


“In everything set them an example by doing what is good.”
Titus 2:7