Worship - Title Card.png

DECEMBER 27, 2020

Scroll down to download the full service or individual elements.

We have prepared a full worship for the Sunday after Christmas that you are invited to use for your local church. The Rev. Andy Smith (District Superintendent of the West & Hill Country District) preaches a sermon called “Joy to the World” based on Luke 2:22-40. The students of the United Campus Ministry at Texas State lead music, a litany of joy, scripture reading, prayer, and the offering.

Welcome and Prayer
DS Andy Smith
“O Come All Ye Faithful”
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!”

UCM Texas State
Litany of Joy          
Students of UCM Texas State
“Light of the World”                        
UCM Texas State
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40    
Students of UCM Texas State
Sermon “Joy to the World”          
DS Andy Smith
Prayers of the People
Lord’s Prayer

Nate Beasley, UCM Texas State
Offertory Music “We Believe”
UCM Texas State                         
DS Andy Smith
“Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)”
UCM Texas State

This worship is a gift for the local churches!
If you would like to learn more about the United Campus Ministry, please explore our site.



If you would rather just use select parts of the worship, you can download those items here.

“O Come All Ye Faithful” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

“O Come All Ye Faithful” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State

“Light of the World” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

“Light of the World” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State

“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State

“We Believe” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

“We Believe” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State

“Litany of Joy” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

“Litany of Joy” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State

“Joy to the World” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

“Joy to the World” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State

BONUS TRACK: “O Holy Night” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

BONUS TRACK: “O Holy Night” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State

EXTRA BONUS TRACK: “All I Want For Christmas is You, JESUS!” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

EXTRA BONUS TRACK: “All I Want For Christmas is You, JESUS!” by students at the United Campus Minstry at Texas State

Sermon “Joy to the World” (Luke 2:22-40) by Rev. Andy Smith, District Superintendent of West & Hill Country Districts of the Rio Texas United Methodist Church Conference DOWNLOAD

Sermon “Joy to the World” (Luke 2:22-40) by Rev. Andy Smith, District Superintendent of West & Hill Country Districts of the Rio Texas United Methodist Church Conference

Sermon “Joy to the World” (Luke 2:22-40) by Rev. Todd Salmi, Pastor of the United Campus Ministry at Texas State DOWNLOAD

Sermon “Joy to the World” (Luke 2:22-40) by Rev. Todd Salmi, Pastor of the United Campus Ministry at Texas State

UCM Texas State Worship

For UCM church partners, we have the additional option of a First Sunday of Christmas worship (Dec 27, 2020).

This version of worship features all of the student elements above with the addition of the sermon by Rev. Todd Salmi, Pastor of the UCM. Churches who use this worship should record an introducion and an ending. Contact Pastor Todd at todd@ucmtxstate.org with further questions.